Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy for

Keeping in view that you are trusting us with your personal information, we are fully committed in respecting your privacy whenever you visit our site. Please read the below provided statement attentively to learn about our privacy policies.
By visiting our website on any electronic gadget, you are accepting the policies mentioned below.

Personal data collected: personal data specifically includes the following details about you:

Contact number
E-mail address
Passport details
Covid-19 vaccination data and certificate

Payment mode related information

This information is collected in bits throughout the booking process and used to successfully complete the process.
In addition to these details some other personal preferences may be asked to provide you with your interests such as meal info, allergies, travel dates, location etc.
All the information provided by you is stored and processed according to the needs and we do not collect information more than we need. This data is stored and protected from any outer sources. None of your personal is shared with anyone except the third party with whom you choose to make the booking.
Similar data is collected for all the individuals if you are extending the use of our service for someone else. Your and other individuals’ data is protected under the same privacy policy with the same rules.

Use of your personal data: we use the data provided by you to identify you as an individual for making the booking. Your personal data is used for normal business and for fulfilment of the requirements to carry forward the booking. Further the data is also used to provide you with relevant and more personalised recommendations.
Data is also used to share details with you of your purchases/bookings through email or text, to solve any query faced by you or to deliver any critical piece of information that is modified in the due course of your travel.
Your browsing history is also stored for a limited amount of time to serve you better by knowing your past preferences and making the recommendations accordingly.

Disclosing your personal data: As indicated before the information provided by you is shared with the third party that you are choosing to book your travel with. Your personal data is protected by them according to their privacy policy and we have no say in that. Hence it is requested that you read their privacy practices first and then carry everything forward.
Sometimes a few of your basic details may be provided to the companies advertising on our website for promotional newsletters and e-mails.
None of your payment method details is provided to anyone other than the necessary department as specified by the RBI and in accordance with the law of making any kind of payments.

Protection of your personal data: We swear by to protect your data provided under our policy. You are given choices to update, register or even close your account at any time you feel like. All safety and security measures have been ensured by us to prevent any kind of breach.
Your card/payment method details are protected and safe from every kind of fraud. We keep our security measures updated and in check.
The data used for promotional purposes by our advertisers would never include your name or contact details. Only your browsing history is used to pop up ads related to your interests when browsing through our site or any other outer platform